Saturday, November 6, 2010

A class called - Socially Challenged

We have been aware of the fact that there are couple of races in the gracious race of human being who have been
challenged by the almighty. These are :
1. Physically Challenged
2. Mentally Challenged

We have been brave and fought like worriers to fight against these challenges. We humans, have
defied the challenged put in front of us by the almighty.

Apart from these challenges, we have created a new challenge. A challenge for ourselves, first
to realize and then to face. I call this a social challenge.

Social Challenge, is a challenge which we have created with the comfort of advancement coupled
with the social divide.
One good example is what I faced just few days before Diwali.
On a bright day morning, a bell ring from the door. As usual, pretending to be busy I waited for someone
to open the door. I was busy with my father in arranging Diwali Lights.
After 3 bells when no one opened the door I realized that I am the only one who is not so busy.
Even my 3 year son was busy in figuring out how did the wheel of his toy car broke.

So finally I decided to open the door and there I saw someone vaguely known, having a pretty smile.
He asked me "Can you please send the electrician across to our house once you are done.
We are not getting anyone due to busy festival season."

With a surprising look, I told him "We do not have the electrician. We are fixing things ourselves".
He gave me a strange look for few seconds and left.

I wanted to know the story and realized that most of the work around my locality was done by
electricians by paying heavy price.

It was then when I figured out how socially challenged is our society. Today my locality has more maids
then people living there.

I could see from my window that people were standing and monitoring what an electrician is doing and in some cases guiding him.
Yes we have better jobs to do and time to invest in more meaningful jobs, but If i have time and knowledge to
monitor what an electrician is doing then I should better do the job or I am victim of being socially challenged.

I am amazed of the fact that not only my father is able to do most of his work, but capable of doing lot more. I am scared of the fact that our generation might make a miserable old age population.

Well my intentions are not to offend anyone, I do respect everyone facet of life and believer that
everyone and everything has a role to play in the economy.